v7.7, 2-17-2021
Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu

Home Page and Headquarters
Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu, Albuquerque, NM

(Affiliated with USJJF, MAIF, ATJA and ITMA)

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2nd Edition now Available On Amazon: A book about the foundations of Jujutsu

Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu Locations

To: National Home Page of Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu

To: Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu at the University of Connecticut

To: Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu at Eastern Connecticut State University

To: Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu at Illinois State Universitgy (Chicago)

To: WSR on Facebook (Official New Mexico Chapter)

To: SANDIA BUDOKAN (our private off-campus club), 2203 Silver & Yale SE, ABQ, NM

(SANDIA BUDOKAN Schedule of Classes, Monthly Dues, Universal Policies & Guidelines v13.4)

now affiliated with the Martial Arts International Federation in Nevada, USA

Andrew Yiannakis Personal Home Page/Gateway

6th Annual Martial Arts Expo at UNM (Sanctioned by the USJJF and Sponsored by HESS-ITMA, UNM)

Date: November 15th, 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 6.00-8.15pm
Location: Johnson Center, Main Arena, Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA)
Admission: FREE

Event Description

The Expo was a joint UNM/Community Outreach event which features several high ranking martial arts black belts from UNM, as well as the ABQ community. The goal of the Expo is to promote the martial arts taught at UNM and the ABQ community, and help inform, entertain and educate. The event is FREE and open to both students and the community..

UNM Martial Arts Expo Jujutsu Videos (to come)

Sandia Budokan our private traditional Japanese club and home to Traditional Jujutsu, Karate, Kenjutsu and Aikido. Jujutsu at SB is open to Beginners, Intermediates and Advanced students who are serious about committing themselves to the study and practice of the art. Classes meet on Mondays (7-8.45 pm), Wednesdays (7-8.45 pm) and every other Saturday at Sandia Budokan. Interm/Advanced classes are taught by Prof. Yiannakis (9th Dan Traditional Jujutsu; 6th Dan Trad. Kodokan Judo). For more info please click below:

More Info

Spelling of Jujutsu, Jujitsu, or Jiu Jitsu and Its Implications: A Brief Overview)


A shorter and more conscice version in pdf format that discusses several key ramifications may found by scrolling down this page to "SEMINAL PAPERS by Prof. Yiannakis"

There seems to be some confusion over the spelling of jujutsu. Let me clarify. Traditional, or traditionally-based Japanese combat systems stressing defense and offense spell it as jujutsu. This is based on the Romaji System, the Romanization of the Japanese language. Genuine Japanese, or Japanese-based systems (even Western systems that are Japanese based use Romaji). Romaji was first introduced to Japan by the Portuguese in the latter part of the 16th century and after undergoing various modifications it was officially adopted by the Japanese Government in the early 1950s. Jutsu in Romaji means art or craft, so jujutsu translates as the flexible art. Jitsu (as in jujitsu, however, actually means reality or truth, and not art. Thus those who claim to be doing Japanese, or Japanese-based jujitsu (or Jiu Jitsu) are in fact practicing the flexible truth, or flexible reality. Clearly there is a disconnect between what they think is traditional Japanese jujutsu and what they are in fact practicing. The fact is that no genuine Japanese, or Japanese-based system spells it as jujitsu and those who do are either misinformed, or they are not practicing a traditional, or traditionally-based Japanese art.

Traditional systems are not competitive sports but martial arts whose focus is combat and self defense. And, of course, they have no rules the way sports do.

Systems that spell it as jiu jitsu, ju jitsu or jujitsu are mostly Western, or Westernized modern systems, and most place a significant emphasis on competition. Since they are governed by rules, about 60-70% of the skills and techniques taught in traditional systems are eliminated, or removed, because they are illegal in competition. As a result, the combat techniques that may have originally defined these arts are no longer practiced, and in many systems their combat origins have been lost. Thus, such sport systems should not be viewed as martial arts but as martial sports. That is, they should be viewed as arts that may have evolved from traditional combat systems but have been significantly modified to be played as competitive sports (with rules).

There are two or three traditionally-based, but heavily Westernized systems out there that use the term Jujitsu or Ju jitsu, but these have been developed or inherited by Westerners who adapted the spelling to match the way they thought jujutsu sounds when pronounced in English. What they seem to ignore, or are unaware of, is the fact that the jujutsu spelling is in line with the way other traditional Japanese martial arts such as Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Aikijujutsu, Ninjutsu, Jojutsu, and Kodokan Goshin Jutsu, among others, spell the term.

Henshall in "A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters" (Tokyo, Tuttle, 1988), and Hepburn in "The Romanization of the Japanese Language" (1887) (the modern revised version is called Shu-sei Hebon-shiki Ro-maji) are quite clear about the meaning of the terms jitsu and jutsu, but most Western practitioners seem to be unfamiliar with their work. Further, it is important to note that jujutsu is the term used by the Kodokan, by Aikido (as in Aikijutsu), by Kenjutsu, Taijutsu and a whole host of other traditional, or traditionally-based Japanese systems.

What is clear is that if you run across the term jujutsu you can be very sure that it is a traditional/traditionally-based Japanese martial art whose emphasis is on combat/self defense. Systems that use the terms jujitsu, ju jitsu or jiu jitsu reflect a Western emphasis and are often disconnected from their traditional Japanese roots (if they originally had such roots). Such systems may, on occasion, attempt to employ Japanese terminology but their pronunciation of Japanese terms just gives the show away.

Finally, while traditional jujutsu is an internal art (techniques driven by the application of Internal Principles and the development of internal sources of power), sports or self defense systems are mostly external arts. That is, they base their training and technique execution on strength, speed and force, rather than the correct and effective application of Internal Principles.

For a more detailed analysis click here

About Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu

  • Professor Yiannakis founded Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu, a traditionally based Japanese combat martial art, at the University of Connecticut in 1982. Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu is a holistic, comprehensive system of unarmed combat and self defense and due to its battlefield origins may be described as the original integrated "mixed" martial art. The system has a basis, in form and philosophy, in Koryu Bujutsu (classical martial arts) but as an evolved system it may be best described as a modern martial art that adheres strictly to its classical moorings. Unlike most classical, or classically-based systems in which free sparring plays a minimal role, Wa Shin Ryu stresses the development of effective combative skills by training students in live sparring situations (randori) in distance, close quarter and ground fighting contexts. Such forms of training develop sustained focused concentration, superior coordination and timing and create for students a high degree of realism that set routines and repetition training alone (a central feature of most classical systems) cannot provide. However, the purpose of such intensive training is not to make students violent. The goal is to empower them so that they may walk away with confidence, if that is deemed the appropriate response at the time.

    An effective martial artist is an empowered individual. And an empowered individual has the confidence to make choices and decide whether to engage in violence, or to contain/defuse a situation by other means. Thus, in the modern world an empowered martial artist is a type of person who, by having many options can make the choice to avoid/prevent violence, or when the situation demands, s able to save himself/herself and others. The unempowered individual has no such options or choices!

    In developing the system the Founder integrated the traditions of the old, with the best of the new, to form a budo system that serves: (1) As a personal discipline, (2) as a way of life, (3) as an effective combative/self defense system, (4) as a pathway to empowerment, and (5) as a path to self actualization (the ultimate goal of the system) in the physical, psychological and spiritual domains.

    Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu is taught in Albuquerque, NM, at the University of Connecticut and at Illinois State University.

    Head Instructor, Founder And Current Headmaster of Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu

    Dr. Yiannakis is officially recognized by the USJJF as the Founder (Ryuso) and current Headmaster (Soke) of Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu. He holds an 9th Dan in Traditional Jujutsu (USJJF) and a 6th Dan in Traditional Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ). Former student of Dr. Sachio Ashida sensei (9th Dan, Kodokan); studied at various clubs in England and at the Renshuden in London, and at clubs in San Jose, Los Angeles, Chapel Hill, Brockport, and Albuquerque. He was also a former collegiate judo competitor in England and the USA, and the winner of the 1975 Cornell University Invitational. Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu is officially recognized by the USJJF, the American Traditional Jujutsu Association (ATJA) and the Institute of Traditional Martial Arts (by Martial Arts International Federation, MAIF). Dr. Yiannakis is the highest ranking certified traditional jujutsu Master Instructor/Examiner in the Southwest and among the top ten rank holders in the USA. Prof. Yiannakis is a member of the USJJF Executive Board and a Life Member of the same organization. He is also a USJJF-certified Handgun Disarming Instructor and Chair of the Traditional Jujutsu Committee of the USJJF. The USJJF is the only national organization that maintains and supports a separate division for Traditional Jujutsu.

    Master Instructor/Examiner


    WSR Advisory Council and Technical Board

    SEMINAL WORKS by Prof. Yiannakis

    Jujutsu, Brain Stimulation & Psychomotor Development (see in forthcoming book)
    Principles of Transitioning in Chaotic Fighting Environments (see in forthcoming book)


    Certification and Insurance Requirements in Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu

    The System of Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu, Promotion Fees & Teaching Licenses

    Press Coverage, News and Information


    Black Belt Holders/Licensed Instructors in Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu

    Brown Belt Holders at UNM

    Recipients of AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE in WSR Jujutsu


    Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu New Mexico Club Officers

    Photo Gallery

    Traditional Jujutsu in USJJF

    WSR on YouTube

    United States Ju-Jitsu Federation

    Some Former Students

    Free Reference Lists (see MARTIAL ARTS (#6, #27)

    Wa Shin Ryu Clubs and Affiliates

    Links To Important Martial Arts Sites

    Equipment Suppliers

    Prof. Yiannakis - BLOGS, Other Activities/Research/Info


      USJJF Member

    United States Ju-Jitsu Federation

       ATJA Member

       ITMA Member

    NOTE: Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu is recognized by the United States Ju-Jitsu Federation (USJJF), the American Traditional Jujutsu Association (ATJA), and the Institute of Traditional Martial Arts

    SEMINARS/DEMONSTRATIONS: We put on demonstrations and give clinics and workshops for law enforcement, the military and security agencies. We also specialize in teaching Power Takedowns and Transitioning Techniques for fighters in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA. Call Dr. Andrew Yiannakis for information (864-650-4816) or drop us a line at: ayiann@unm.edu

    You can reach us at: ayiann@comcast.net or ayiann.jujutsu@gmail.com