Becoming an Uchideshi in Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu (11-22-09)
The title of Uchideshi (special student; student of the inner circle) is accorded to those few, special students who establish a close rapport and a bond with their Sensei, who show an absolute commitment to the
system, who participate and put in extra time, and assist in all facets of the operation of the club. Uchideshi are special students who, without being asked volunteer and take on special responsibilities which contribute
to the growth and development of the system, who assist and collaborate with the Sensei in carrying out research and who, by example, help set the highest standards of performance and conduct. Finally, Uchideshi are students
who best exemplify the twelve Guiding Principles of the system and the Seven Virtues of WSR which define excellence. Upon demonstrating such virtues students may be recognized with the AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE that includes placing
the WSR tattoo on the left forearm.
While the tattoo indicates that a student has demonstrated excellence, it especially denotes a student's commitment to the system and loyalty to the Sensei.
The bond that is established between the sensei and uchideshi continues even after students move on. It is a special bond akin to taking a blood oath. A bond that demonstrates commitment, loyalty and absolute trust by both
the Sensei and the Uchideshi.
When an Uchideshi moves on he/she becomes an ambassador of the system. It is also expected that Uchideshi will continue to practice, study, and eventually teach and/or perpetuate Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu the way they learned it from
their teacher.
Upon receiving Menkyo Kaiden Uchideshi may add to, or modify aspects of the system and develop it further so long as such activity is consistent with the major principles of the system and the wishes of the Founder.
The tattoo symbolizes an Uchideshi's pledge and oath to their Sensei and the system. Finally, an Uchideshi will have no conflicting loyalties or commitments to other systems and/or instructors, although they may also practice
other martial arts, if they so wish, so long as such workouts do not interfere with the student's regualar commitments and obligations in Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu.
Who May Appoint A Student to Uchideshi Status
Black belt instructors (4th Dan and higher) in Wa Shin Ryu Jujutsu, who are Head Instructors of their own club, and who are also Uchideshi themselves, may appoint their own students to be their Uchideshi in accordance with the
requirements stated above.
Students who do not continue to practice, study, maintain contact with their Sensei or fail to remain true to the system by switching arts and/or accepting rank from an instructor in another jujutsu system will
forfeit their Uchideshi status and their WSR teaching license (where appropriate).