

Nikyo No Kata B (Ura or Combat Version: Throws From The Clinch Position)

The term Ura refers to techniques or strategies that are hidden, or secret. They speak to ways of executing technique in applied situations such as combat. In feudal Japan such combat versions/variations of technique were secret and were not shared with other clans or the public. Clearly, survival on the battlefield or other combat situations dictated that it be so. Thus, when demonstrating in public outsiders were exposed only to the Omote Version of a system's repertoire of techniques. This attitude, incidentally, applies to almost all techniques associated with classical systems. That is, most possess an Omote and an Ura version of the same technique. Ironically, most westerners who studied in Japan were shown the Omote Version of a system (the Japanese even today save their Ura Version of technique for the most dedicated and committed students, their uchideshi, be they foreign or Japanese) and in most cases this is the version they brought back to the West.

Ura versions of technique "are not pretty" but they are deadly. Their goal is to teach warriors to kill, injure or otherwise neutralize their enemy as quickly and effectively as possible. Thus, such techniques are executed fast and hard and they often fail to demonstrate the grander flowing and graceful movement patterns of their corresponding Omote Versions.

The Ura version of the kata illustrates principles of throwing (Close Quarter Zone II only) in applied/combative contexts. It focuses exclusively on clinch throwing and it is practised with a partner that does NOT wear a gi or is dressed in light armor. Arm and hand positions are likewise modified and adapted to fit the demands of such fighting contexts. Depending on the situation the thrower may follow through to the ground into joint locking, striking and/or strangling/choking techniques and in real combat they may also include the use of the tanto (dagger) or wakizashi (short sword) against their enemy. Techniques are initiated by Tori through combinations (renraku waza) or by reacting to pushing/pulling or rushing on the part of Uke (which in this case help demonstrate principles of joining and counter attacking, for example).

The techniques below are applied after all the punching, kicking or attacking with the sword/knife or club are blocked, deflected or otherwise neutralized and the combatants find themselves in a clinch. Thus, in practicing this kata students begin in the clinch position. However, it should be pointed out to students that the clinch position is preceded by various other forms of action. Upon executing each throw students will then demonstrate a "finishing technique, or techniques" that take out the assailant/enemy either from the standing position (e.g., dislocating the elbow) or by following through to the ground.

Techniques of the Nikkyo No Kata I comprise the following:

  • Osoto Gari
  • Osoto Gake
  • Ippon Seoinage
  • Kosoto Gari
  • Ouchi Gari
  • Ko Ouchi Gari
  • Ogoshi
  • Harai Goshi
  • Hiza Guruma
  • Tani Otoshi
  • Yoko Wakare
  • Uki Waza
  • Uchi Mata
  • Hane Goshi
  • Uki Goshi
  • O Guruma
  • Ashi Guruma
  • Sasae TsuriKomi Ashi
  • Kubi Nage