NOTE: This page is now under further development

Free Reference Lists

University of New Mexico


This page and all sub-pages (including all reference lists) are copyrighted. You may access and use the material for academic and research purposes only

Copyright (C) by A. Yiannakis, 1996, 2011

  1. Leisure / Tourism Motivation
  2. Video Games
  3. Tourist Roles
  4. Sport & Education
  5. Youth and Sport
  6. Martial Arts
  7. Tourism Marketing / Market Research
  8. Economics of Sport
  9. Sport Law
  10. Leadership in Sport
  11. Sport and Gender
  12. Sport and Ideology
  13. Sport Counseling
  14. Sport Subcultures
  15. Economic Impacts of Tourism and Sport
  16. Life Satisfaction
  17. Anthropology of Play/Sport
  18. Ecotourism
  19. Sport Violence/Aggression
  20. Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism
  21. Learned Helplessness in Leis/Sport
  22. Deviance in Sport
  23. Sport and the Media
  24. Sport Marketing
  25. Sport Tourism I
  26. Sport and Religion/Ritual
  27. JUDO
  28. Psychosocial Benefits of Sport/Exercise
  29. Sport Tourism II
  30. Concepts of Leisure
  31. Leisure Education/Counseling
  32. Corporate Fitness
  33. Motivation and Sport Participation
  34. Sport Promotion
  35. Gender Issues in Sport
  36. Tourism in Greece
  37. Sport and Ethnic Minorities in Britain
  38. Information Technology in Tourism & Hospitality
  39. Sport Sponsorship
  40. Tourism in the Middle East
  41. Tourism/Hospitality Sources (comprehensive)
  42. Tourism Forecasting/Time Series Analysis
  43. Sport/Exercise and Mood I
  44. Labor Relations in Sport
  45. Sport and Politics
  46. Sport and Title IX
  47. Leisure Satisfaction
  48. Leisure Attitudes
  49. Sport and Drugs
  50. Sport and Gender Preference
  51. Sport and the Olympics (a)
  52. Forecasting in Sport and Leisure
  53. Comprehensive Tourism Page from Greece (Dr. Andriotis, Technological Educational Institute of Heraklio, Crete)