Glossary of Japanese Terms in Jujutsu


(Adapted for occidental use)

A ah as in father or hajime

E eh as in net or eri

I ee as in feet or ippon

O o as in fort or oshi

U oo as in lulu or uke


Ago Chin, jaw

Aite Partner

Aka Red

Antei Stability

Arashi Storm

Ate Striking (as in ate-waza), striking technique

Atemi Waza (Body Strikes)

Empi uchi (elbow strike)

Kote uchi (forearm strike)

Seiken uchi (frontal fist strike)

Te gatana/Shuto (hand sword strike)

Teisho uchi (palm heal strike)

Tsuki (thrust/jab)

Ura ken uchi (back fist strike)

Bogyo Defense

Budo Martial Ways

Bujutsu Martial Arts

Bushido Way of the warrior

Butsukari Bump (Body contact) [used only as a noun]

Chairo Brown

Chi kaku Close

Chikara Physical strength, power

Dan (Step) Black Belt Level

Yudansha Black belt

Shodan 1st degree black belt

Nidan 2nd degree black belt

Sandan 3rd degree black belt

Yodan (Yondan) 4th degree black belt

Godan 5th degree black belt

Rokudan 6th degree black belt

Shichidan (Nanadan) 7th degree black belt

Hachidan 8th degree black belt

Kudan 9th degree black belt

Judan 10th degree black belt

Dai Jobu OK

De Advanced [that is, placed forward]

Deshi Student, disciple, follower

Do The Way (path)

Do itashi mashite You're welcome

Dojo Place Where We Practice the Way

Kamiza The High Place

Joseki Place (wall) to the right of kamiza; place for seniors

Shimoseki Place (wall) to the left of kamiza; place for juniors

Tatami Straw floor mat or mats

Domo arigato (gozaimashita) Thank you very (very) much

Dozo Please accept (When giving something)

Gambaru Put up with (To resist, stiffen)

Gake Hook

Gari Reaping action [from the verb garu]

Gi or Judogi Judo Uniform

Eri Judo uniform lapel or collar

Obi Belt

Shitagi Pants; underwear

Zubon Pants (outer garment)

Sode Sleeve

Uwagi Jacket

Gomen nasai Sorry (Apology)

Guruma, kuruma Wheel

Gyaku Reverse, opposite

Ha Wing

Hadaka Naked

Hai Yes (I have heard you)

Hane Spring or jump

Hantai Opposite or reverse

Happo no kuzushi 8 directions of off balance

Harai (barai) Sweep [from the verb harau]

Hazumi Momentum, acceleration

Hidari Left

Hiki Pulling [from the verb hiku]

Hikite Pulling hand

Hon Basic (or, really? – Hon desu?)

Ikioi Impetus, power, energy

Iie No (but, a negative is rarely used in Japan!)

Jime (shime) Constrict, strangle

Jita kyoei You-me shining together ("Mutual Glow")

Joto Good

Ju Flexibility

Judo Way of flexibility

Juji Cross

Judoka Judo player

Jujutsuka Jujutsu player

Joseki Place of honor for higher ranks, in dojo

Kaeshi, gaeshi Countering/reversing [from the verb kaeru]

Kake Execution of any technique

Kaku (gaku) Angle or corner

Kamiza Place of honor

Kami Upper, Divine spirit, paper

Kappo Resuscitation

Eri katsu Lapel holding method

Kogan katsu Kicking coccyx or testicle method

Sasoi katsu Inducing method

Soo katsu Integral method

Kata Shoulder

Kata Formal Sequence (of techniques)

Nage no kata Forms of throwing

Katame no kata Forms of grappling

Kodokan Goshin Jutsu Kodokan Self defense forms

Kime no kata Forms of decision or self defense

Kumi kata Forms of combative/opposing grips

Kime shiki Forms of decision

Go no sen no kata Forms of counters

Koshiki no kata Forms of antiquity

Itsutsu no kata Forms of five principles

Joshi judo goshinho Women's self defense techniques

Ju no kata Forms of flexibility

Renkoho no kata Forms of arrest or restraint

Seiryoku zenyo kokumin taiiku National physical exercise

Katame, gatame Hold

Kesa, gesa Scarf

Keiko Practice in General

Uchi komi Repetition attack practice (pulling in)

Sute geiko Alternate throwing practice

Tandoku renshu Pantomime practice

Keiko o-negai shimasu Please practice with me

Kenka yotsu Competitive grips


Keri Waza Kicking Techniques

Mae geri (front kick)

Yoko geri (side kick)

Mawashi geri (roundhouse kick)

Naname geri (diagonal/cross body kick)

Ushiro geri (rear kick)

Ki Spirit (internal power)

Kiai A shout with concentration and commitment

Kiotsuke Attention! (Take note!) [literally gather your ki]

Ko Small/minor

Kogeki Attack [as a noun; this is not a verb]

Komi Winding [as in makikomi, pulling-winding]

Kodokan Place for learning the way

Kuzure Broken/modified

Kuzushi Breaking of posture/balance



Kyu Ranks Below Black Belt Level

Mudansha Student who is below black belt

Rokkyu 6th class Judo rank - yellow belt

Gokyu 5th class Judo rank - orange belt

Yonkyu 4th class Judo rank – green - blue belt

Sankyu 3rd class Judo rank - brown belt

Nikyu 2nd class Judo rank - brown belt

Ikkyu 1st class Judo Rank - brown belt

Ma In front (as in ma sutemi waza)

Ma-ai Distance, space between opponents

Mae Front

Migi Right

Mon Junior grade

Mudansha Student who is below black belt

Nage Throw [from the verb nageru]

Nami Normal, regular, natural

O Big or major, Honorific preposition, (e.g. O Sensei)

O-hayo gozaimasu Good morning

Otoshi Drop [as a noun, from the verb otosu]

Okuri Sliding [from the verb okuru]

Rei Bow

Ritsu rei, tachi rei Standing bow

Za rei Kneeling bow

Reigi saho Dojo etiquette

Ryu School (Literally "Stream/Flow")

Sasae Lower prop

Sayonara Good bye

Sei ryoku zenyo Maximum efficiency with minimum effort

Sensei Teacher/instructor

Sensei ni rei Bow to teacher in front

Seoi Carrying on the back

Sumimasen So Sorry, (or excuse me)

Shiai Contest

Chui A serious or repeated penalty

Kachi, gachi Victory, win

Hajime Begin (referee's command)

Hansoku make Loss by violating rules

Hiki wake Draw or tie

Hantei Call for decision (majority of 3)

Ippon Full point

Itami make Loss by injury

Jikan Time (referee's command)

Jo gai Outside contest area

Kachi Win

Fusen gachi Win by forfeit or default

Kiken gachi Win by withdrawal

Sogo gachi Full point win by combination of a half point

and penalty

Yusei gachi Win by decision

Yoshi Continue (referee's command)

Yuko Not quite a half point


Keikoku A serious penalty or repeated Chui

Koka Less than a yuko, slight superiority

Make Loss

Matte Stop (referee's command)

Maitta "I surrender!" [Literally I am defeated]

Osae komi Hold-down (referee's command)

Sen shu Champion; athlete

Shiai jo Contest area

Shido Slight penalty or infringement

Sono mama Freeze (referee's command)

Sore made Time is up (referee's command)

Suwate Sit down [as a command]

Toketa Hold broken (referee's command)

Waza ari Half point

Wazari awaseti ippon 2 half points make a full point

Shihan Master Teacher (7th Dan and up)

Shiho Four directions [shi + ho]

Shintai Advance-retreat body movement

Shiro White

Shisei Posture in General

Anza Sitting cross-legged

Ayumi ashi Normal walking

Hon Basic

Hon tai Basic body posture

Jigo tai Defensive posture

Jigo hon tai Basic defensive posture

Seiza Sitting on knees (kneeling)

Shizen Natural

Shizen hon tai Basic natural posture

Tsugi ashi Sliding foot walking

Sode Sleeve

Soto Outside

Sukui Scooping up [from the verb sukuu]

Sumi Corner

Sutemi Sacrifice

Suwate Sit down! [from the verb suwaru]

Tai Body

Ago Jaw or chin

Ashi Foot, leg, step

Ashi kubi Ankle (neck of foot/leg)

Atama Head

Do Abdomen/trunk

Ha Tooth, teeth, wing

Hana Nose

Hara Stomach

Hiji/Empi Elbow

Hiza Knee

Kakato Heel

Kata Shoulder

Kao Face

Kote Forearm

Koshi, Goshi Waist/hip

Kubi Neck

Kuchi, guchi Mouth

Mata Inside upper thigh

Mune Chest

Nodo Throat

Se Back

Te Hand

Tekubi Wrist (neck of hand)

Ude Arm

Tai Sabaki Body Movements (in all eight directions)

Mae sabaki Front movement

Mae mawashi sabaki Front (roundhouse) movement

Ushiro sabaki Backward movement

Yoko sabaki Side movement



Taiso Exercises in General

Junbi undo Warm up exercises

Shumatsu undo Cooling-off exercises

Randori Free practice

Tani Valley

Tate Vertical, length wise

Tori One who executes technique

Tomodachi Friend

Tsukuri Entering or fitting in for a throw

Tsuri Lifting from above [from the verb tsuru]

Uchi Inner/strike

Uke Receiver of action (is receiving)

Ukemi Breakfall

Uki Floating [from the verb uku]

Ura Back, rear, inverted

Ushiro Behind, back of

Utsuri Changing, moving [from the verb utsuru]

Wakare Division, separation


Waza Technique(s)

Atemi waza Striking techniques

Bogyo Defense

Nage waza Throwing technique(s)

Go kyo no waza Techniques of the five teachings (1st 40

throws in judo)

Kaeshi waza Counter techniques

Renraku waza Combination techniques

Sutemi Waza Sacrifice Techniques

Ma Sutemi Waza Back Falling Sacrifice Techniques

Obi nage Belt throw

Obi tori gaeshi Belt grab reversal

Sumi gaeshi Corner reversal

Tawara gaeshi Rice bale reversal

Tomoe nage Circle Throw

Ura nage Inverted or rear throw

Uki waza Floating (technique) throw

Yoko Sutemi Waza Side Falling Sacrifice Techniques

Daki wakare Encircling separation

Hane makikomi Springing wrap around throw

Harai makikomi Hip sweep wrap around

Hikikomi gaeshi Pulling out (rolling) reversal

Kani basami Scissors or crab throw

Soto makikomi Outside wrap around throw

Tani otoshi Valley drop

Uchi mata makikomi Inner thigh wrap around throw

Yoko gake Side hook

Yoko guruma Side wheel

Yoko otoshi Side drop

Yoko tomoe nage Side circle throw

Yoko wakare Side separation

Tachi Waza Standing Techniques

Ashi waza Foot techniques

Ashi guruma Leg wheel

De ashi harai Sweeping the advanced foot

Harai tsuri komi ashi Sweeping pulling lift throw

Hiza guruma Knee wheel

Kawazu gake Wrapping opponent's leg

Kibisu gaeshi Heel reversal

Ko soto gake Small outside hook

Ko soto gari Little outside reaping throw

Ko uchi gaeshi Minor inner reaping counter

Ko uchi gari Minor inside reaping throw

Nidan ko soto gari Double (2nd step) minor outside reap

Okuri ashi harai Sliding foot sweep

O soto gaeshi Major outer reaping counter

O soto gari Major outer reaping

O soto guruma Major outer dropping throw

O uchi gaeshi Major inner reaping counter

O uchi gari Major inner reaping throw

Sasae tsuri komi ashi Foot stop lift pull throw

Tsubame gaeshi Swallow counter

Yama arashi Mountain Storm

Yoko gake Side hook

Koshi Waza Hip Techniques

Eri tsuri komi goshi Lifting lapel hip throw

Hane goshi Springing hip throw

Hane goshi gaeshi Springing hip reversal

Harai goshi Sweeping hip throw

Harai goshi gaeshi Sweeping hip counter

Koshi guruma Hip wheel throw

Kubi nage Neck throw

Ogoshi Major hip throw

O guruma Big wheel throw

Sode tsurikomi goshi Sleeve lifting pulling hip throw

Tsurikomi goshi Lifting pull hip throw

Uchi mata Inner thigh throw

Uchi mata gaeshi Inner thigh counter

Uchi mata sukashi Inner thigh slip

Uki goshi Floating hip throw

Ushiro goshi Back hip throw

Utsuri goshi Hip shift throw

Tsuri goshi Lifting hip throw

Te Waz Hand Techniques

Eri seoi nage Lapel shoulder throw

Ippon seoi nage Single arm shoulder throw

Kata guruma Shoulder wheel

Kuchiki taoshi Dead tree drop, one hand drop

Morote gari Double hand reap

Morote seoi nage Two hand shoulder throw

Obi otoshi Belt grab drop

Seoi nage Back carry throw

Sumi otoshi Corner drop

Sukui nage Scooping throw

Soto maki komi Outside wrap around throw

Tai otoshi Body drop

Ude gaes Arm reversal or counter

Uki otoshi Floating drop

Ne Waza Grappling Techniques

Hikkomi gaeshi Extended pulling and rolling action into mat


Kansetsu Waza Joint Locking Techniques

Hiza gatame Knee lock

Juji gatame Cross (body) arm lock

Tekubi gatame Wrist lock

Ude garami Entangled arm wrap (figure four)

Ude hishigi hara gatame Arm crushing stomach lock

Ude hishigi hiza gatame Arm crushing knee lock

Ude hishigi juji gatame Arm crushing cross (arm) lock

Ude hishigi ude gatame Arm crushing lock

Ude hishigi waki gatame Arm crushing side (of the body) lock

Waki gatame Side arm lock (waki refers to the side of the body. The small sword carried by the samurai was called waki zashi, "side companion"

Yubi gatame Finger lock

Osaekomi Waza Holding Techniques

Ashi garami Leg entanglement

Dojime Trunk strangle

Fusegi Escape (from ne waza)

Kuzure Broken/Modified

Hairi kata Mat entry techniques

Kumi kata Gripping techniques

Kami shiho gatame Upper four directions hold

Kata gatame Shoulder hold

Kesa gatame Scarf hold

Kuzure kesa gatame Modified/broken scarf hold

Kuzure kami shiho gatame Modified/broken upper four directions


Kuzure yoko shiho gatame Modified/broken side four directions old

Makura kesa gatame Pillow scarf hold

Tate shiho gatame Vertical four directions hold

Ushiro kesa gatame Rear scarf hold

Yoko Side

Yoko shiho gatame Side four directions hold

Shime Waza* Choking/Strangling Techniques

Ashi jime Leg choke

Gyaku juji jime Reverse cross choke

Hadaka jime Naked strangle

Jigoku jime Hell strangle

Kata juji jime Single cross choke

Katate jime One hand strangle

Kataha jime Single wing choke

Nami juji jime Normal cross choke

Obi jime Belt choke

Okuri eri jime Sliding lapel choke

Ryote jime Two hands choke

Sankaku jime Triangular [3 corner] choke

Sode guruma jime Sleeve wheel choke

Suso jime Jacket end choke

Tsuki komi jime Thrust choke

Ushiro kataha jime Reverse single wing choke

* Choking techniques are executed by applying pressure to the carotid artery.

Strangling techniques restrict breathing by blocking off the windpipe, as in hadaka jime

Renraku Waza Combination Techniques

Renzoku Waza Continuous/Joining Techniques


Ukemi Waza (Break) Falling Techniques

Kaiten Rolling/rotation

Mae ukemi Front falls

Ushiro/Koho ukemi Back falls

Yoko ukemi Side fall

Zempo ukemi Forward falls (rolls)

Zempo kaiten ukemi Front rolling/rotation falls

Yama Mountain

Yoko Side

Yudansha Black belt rank holder

Zori Sandals

Counting in Japanese

Ichi One

Ni Two

San Three

Shi (Yon) Four

Go Five

Roku Six

Shichi, nana Seven

Hachi Eight

Ku Nine

Ju Ten

V5 (final), March 14, 2010